Friday, June 19, 2015

kaitlyn & johno & paleo

We have had TWO family weddings this summer!  We're so lucky!!!    Julie's epic wedding I wrote of here a few weeks ago, and  I'm still basking in the glow of that love fest.  Then, this weekend, we attended the wedding of my nephew, John Andrew Vasko, who married Kaitlyn Hastings.

John is Doug's sister Sue's oldest (of five).  I met John when Doug and I started dating, in 1990, when John was just about to turn 4.  He was a very precocious kid:  hyper articulate, always had his nose in a book, very comfortable around adults.  At that stage, I recall his being obsessed with Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and I remember sharing the back seat with him en route to something and he talked about those turtles the entire time, without taking a breath.That adorable little dude became a very dear teenager who became a really special young adult.   He's been so good to my kids, always affirming and interested.  This April, as he was finishing up med school and had a rare few weeks virtually free,  Noah took the train down to the city one day during his spring break. John picked him up and they went rock climbing, then to lunch, then played video games at John's apartment before he put Noah back on the train.  What a nice cousin!

John is one of those people who is just insanely capable:  he's good at every thing he does, he's crazy smart, and yet there is not a whiff of arrogance about that guy.   So a few years ago, when we heard he was getting serious with a girl he was dating I thought, is she good enough for him?

Answer:  she is.

Kaitlyn is smart, and beautiful, and strong and thoughtful, and  they are a wonderful match. 

Evanston is a very quick train rain from the city so we have John and Kaitlyn up for dinner with some regularity and it's been so fun to get to know them both as a couple.   They are balanced and adorable and we love them.

So it was with nothing but love and joy that we rang in their monumental wedding last weekend in Galena.  It was traditional and beautiful and poignant and sacred and a BLAST.

In addition to being fun and thoughtful and successful (she's a lawyer, he just got his MD in emergency medicine), they are also gorgeous.  AND - they do Crossfit!  Yeah!  I can't tell you how fun it is to have that bond.  As anyone who does Crossfit or hangs with people who do Crossfit knows, people who do Crossfit really like to talk about Crossfit.  A lot.

Epic WODs, PRs, milestones, it's fascinating!  To.... the other people who do Crossfit.  Doug is always sweet and listens, and I've learned not to bore my kids too much with it, but when my CF buddies and I did MURPH on memorial day at my box? Or when I got my first handstand pushup?   It's John and Kaitlyn I texted.  During the Crossfit Open, each week we'd text back and forth dreading or dissecting each workout.  When John got his first muscle up, I was out to dinner with Doug, heard my phone chime, and watched that video they sent with awe and joy!! Despite being 20 years older than them, it's so much fun to share this crazy bond.

and you should see her back

 Now, to food.  I always get there!

Perhaps you've heard of this whole paleo thing.  Basically it's meat, eggs, veggies, nuts and some fruit. No carbs/grains, no dairy, no sugar, no caffeine and no fun -hah.  It's annoying. But lots and lots of Crossfit folks eat this way. 

Exercise is something I need.  I need it so I don't go crazy.  But I also need it because I love to eat and I don't want to think too much about what I'm eating or have to limit myself.  I'm pretty disciplined, I eat mostly whole foods and keep my portions pretty reasonable, but I love desert and I definitely love wine so when you tell me I can't have something that's when I start getting hangry and grumpy and I want it more.  So I've resisted this whole paleo thing because, really, if that means I can't clean & jerk 150 lbs who the hell cares?

Of course, John and Kaitlyn have gone to the dark side paleo.  Or at least paleo-ish.  So when Corey was looking for some sort of eating plan/reset after 9 months of dorm food I suggested we do a paleo/eating clean week or two.  (Well, except for the liquids part - I'll never give up coffee or wine. Let's be reasonable)  It's been interesting.  And it feels pretty great.  And since I'm the family cook, the fam has come along for the ride and the results have been surprisingly tasty.  This week was all paleo.  We'll see how long it lasts but it's been fun.

To the lovely bride and groom - thank you for such a wonderful celebration. 
The future is bright with 'kids' like you in charge.  We love you.

I've written about it before.  It's phenomenal - you really should try it tonight. 

Pork Tenderloin with cherries and balsamic served over mashed cauliflower (recipe below)

Paleo Frittata 
Sautee a 1/2 red onion and a cup of diced broccoli in 1 tsp coconut oil
 Add 1/2 cup diced sun dried tomatoes and 1 cup diced ham

 whisk 7 eggs, add to skillet and turn heat to low until edges start to firm up.  Then put in 375 oven for about 12 minutes, until it's set all the way through.  add salt & pepper.

 Season with salt and pepper then brown1-1/2 lb pork tenderloins in tsp coconut oil, about 3 min/side.

 add 1 cup chicken broth, 1/4 cup balsamic, 1 cup unsweetened dried cherries and a sprig of rosemary and cook covered for about 20 minutes, turning occasionally.

 meanwhile steam a large head of cauliflower then mash with a potato masher.  season.

 move the pork to a bowl and cover it and let rest for about 10 minutes. 
 uncover and simmer the sauce for those 10 minutes, until it's reduced in half.
remove rosemary and  serve it over the cauliflower. 

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful post!! John and Kaitlyn look amazing together. Kaitlyn wedding gown is so beautiful. All of these pictures are truly stunning. I have to host my sister’s wedding party at NYC venues. Can you suggest some party décor ideas?
